Medium Articles

每天在 Medium 读一些文章,一来练习英语阅读,二来看一些优秀文章,包括个人提升方面,前沿技术方面,等等。
  1. 【Done | Self】
    2017-10-26 Why Do You Want THIS? Clarify Your Deepest “WHY”
    2017-10-27 Examine Your Current Use Of Time
  2. 【Programming】
    Want to know how Deep Learning works? Here’s a quick guide for everyone.
  3. 【Done | Self 】
  4. (1) 心得丨吴恩达 全部课程学习心得分享
    【Done】(2) 干货丨一文读懂深度学习与机器学习的差异
  5. 【 | Self 】 There are three fundamental problems with laying in bed after your alarm goes off:
  6. 【必读 | Interview】 Afterthoughts
  7. 【|Data Structure】 We have two options here: Depth-First Search (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS).
  8. 2017-11-20 【Done | ML&DL&Capsnet|Hinton】Geffory Hinton的“胶囊”里到底装的什么“药”?
    [Done |Capsule Networks Are Shaking up AI — Here’s How to Use Them]